Hacked FlySky Programming

Hacked FlySky Programming

This info will help with setting up the radios that we sell in our store.


We also have some quick programming cards available here. Quick Program Cards

And the full manual.   Hacked Flysky Manual


In the basic menus that have nothing to with it being hacked, you have a model selection menu (MODEL), a model renaming menu (NAME), servo reversing menu (REV), a channel end points menu (E. POINT), a trims menu (TRIM), a dual rate menu (D/R), an exponential menu (EXPO) and lastly, and anti-lock braking menu (ABS). These are pretty self explanatory, except for the ABS menu. The anti-lock brakes “pump” the brakes just like your ABS equipped car does, and this has a slow, normal, and fast setting. !Important! A long hold on NAME will reset the model you are currently working on! Great for when you get a new vehicle, but be careful with it.

Now to get into the hack features, this is a fairly involved read, but I will try to make it easier than the manual, and also, Losikid's video of programming should help out as well.

The REV menu: a long hold on enter takes you to the channel mapping menu. This maps radio functions to different buttons, and also lets you set the parameters of that button. We'll start off with a run down of the different buttons and button groups.

button groups, these can be set to do many things, most important being a 3 position switch:

1........these are the steering trim buttons
2........these are the throttle trim buttons
3........this is the 3rd channel trim slider on the grip
d........this is the dual rate slider on the grip.

The 3rd and dual rate sliders aren't truly sliders, they are buttons activated by a sliding motion, therefore I refer to them as sliders.

The single buttons are for less involved tasks like turning a light group on or off, and also I can see a use for shifting a 2 speed transmission such as a summit transmission.

C........this is the grip button located underneath the 3rd channel slider, roughly shaped like a C
e.........this is the end button located above and to the right of the adjustment wheel
b.........this is the back button located above and to the left of the adjustment wheel

now to get on to button and button group functions. This is where the read gets involved, and where I'm doing a re-write of the manual to make things more clear.

These are the general functions of the trims and dual rate sliders. This setting dictates what 1,2,3, and d will actually control

OFF..........................the individual buttons of the button group can be assigned as individual buttons
TR1, TR2.................steering and throttle trim respectively
DRS, DRF, DRB.....dual rate of the steering. DRS is general, DRF is forward dual rate, and DRB is backward dual rate.
EXS, EXF, EXB.....expo of the steering, same thing as the dual rate, the first is overall expo, then F and B are forward and back.
CH#........................button group would control an individual channel, say the 3rd channel for a mechanical or electronic dig unit.
ST#.........................button group controls the sub-trim of a channel
4WS.......................controls the 4 wheel steering mix that will be covered in a later section
DIG........................controls the dual esc dig function, covered in a later section as well
MPO......................multi position, switches the position up or down
SST........................steering speed while turning
SSR.......................steering speed while the servo is returning to center.
CS#.......................channel speed for a given channel number.

The general functions of individual buttons are
OFF.......................self explanatory
CH#.......................instantly switch the value from maximum to minimum
C#R.......................instant reset to center for a given channel
4WS......................switch between crab (CRB) and no crab (NOC) in for four wheel steering setups
DIG.......................switch dig mix between -100 and 100
DGR......................dig mix is returned to center
MPO.....................switches the multi position up one
MPR......................multi position reset
LCI........................lap counter increase
LCR...................... lap counter reset

The basic functions of 1, 2, 3, and d are:

MOM......this is a momentary hold. When you let go of the button, the servo would return to center, or your electronic dig would go from front or back lock if you so desire. I personally like this setting for the dig unit in my Losi.

NOL........no long key, the button will only act as a short press.

RPT.........the button will auto repeat, using this would allow you to set say a 20% step on your dual esc setup for proportional digs, or for active control of rear steering.

RES.......long hold resets to center value

END......long hold goes to end point

After selecting one of these, you will be taken to the step setting, this is where you would set how much step you would want to have in a rear steer or dual esc setup. This is not the end point! Adjustment is made by turning the adjustment wheel.

After setting your step and pressing enter, you're taken to the reversing menu of that function

NOR.....no reverse

REV.....reverse buttons

for anything other than MOM there is the opposite reset menu next.

NOO.....no change
ORS......when a key is pressed, and the current value is on the other side of center, it will return to center.

MOM has a unique function to go back to the previous value or to follow the step setup earlier.

NPV....no change from your previous settings, meaning it would return to center on release.
PRV....this would return to the previous value before pressing that button. Meaning if you had it at negative 100, it would go from positive 100 to negative 100 on release.

Now we head over to the TRIM menu and after a long hold, that will start flashing, you've now entered the subtrims menu. Simply select the channel you want to trim up a bit more and adjust it to your liking.

The channel speed menu is accessed by a long hold on the D/R menu. When in this menu, you can set the speed and return speed of any channel. To switch from turn (left arrow displayed) to return speed (right arrow displayed) simply turn the steering wheel.

A long hold on the E. POINT menu will bring you to the mixes menu. This is were you would setup the mix for four wheel steer or dual esc dig. The mixes are:

4.......four wheel steering
d.......dual esc dig mix

For both dual esc and four wheel steering mixes you set the “slave” channel, or in other words, the channel the other servo or esc is on. After you select that channel and press enter, you'll set a number on screen, this is the range number of the mix. 0 is the default setting, both esc's/servos will have the same maximum steering or throttle. A setting of 100 will reduce the rear steer/throttle by 100% and -100 will reduce the front steering/throttle by 100%

4 also has a special setting of crab (CRB) or no-crab (NOC).

P......Multi-Position mix. This allows you to set up a multi-position switch with up to 8 positions, basically you set the first position, press enter, set second position, and repeat for as many positions that you want up to 8, when you're done, press END.

b.... Brake cut-off. This is used mostly for forward only boats to my understanding, set to off or cut.

Calibration menu. To enter this menu, hold the steering wheel right and long hold enter.

6 of the screen fields will start to blink

to calibrate, you would set the minimum, center, and maximum values of the radio. For channel 1, turn full left, press enter, then back to center, press enter, then full right, and press enter. All fields in the top row should have stopped blinking. Repeat same process for channel 2 (throttle)

to calibrate battery, select channel 4, press enter, set the measured battery voltage, and press enter to save or end to not.

To exit the calibration menu, long hold either back or enter.

Key test menu. This is a useful troubleshooting tool to find faulty keys.

Hold wheel left and then a long hold on enter to access this menu and press each button. Any faulty ones wouldn't change value. When a button is pressed to a long hold, L will appear.

Either long hold back or enter to exit.

Global or Advanced menu as I call it. This menu deals with the non-model specific functions of the radio. To access, simply long hold enter with no fields highlighted. The fields MODEL and NAME will blink.

use the adjustment wheel to scroll through this menu, and either a long hold on back or enter to exit, values will be saved

F............................firmware version, just info here
L............................backlight time-out
A...........................inactivity alarm, useful to those of you running lipos and also if you forgot to turn off your transmitter.
LOW POWER!....where you want your low power alarm to go off.
E. POINT..............maximum allowed endpoint, for servo safety, it is not recommended to go past 120%! a d will flash if you exceed 120%
1............................dead band for steering, 0-50
2............................dead band for throttle, 0-50
b............................key beep, on or off
d............................long hold delay, measured in milliseconds, this goes from 100-1000
r+ALL...................global reset, select YES to set all global (advanced) and all models to defaults
r+MOD................. reset all models.

~ Taken from http://flyskyrc.blogspot.com/
~ Credits to Losikid and OverKillRC.com

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