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Hose Clamps for Big Bore Motor Mount

Hose Clamps for Big Bore Motor Mount


Regular price $4.00 USD
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These are stainless steel hose clamps for SVT Big Bore Motor Mounts to replace the zip ties included with the original production run of mounts.  The hose clamps eliminate the flexing that can occur between motor and mount under extreme bashing conditions and which can lead to uneven or premature wearing on the spur and pinion.  For a limited time, these will be offered at no charge with free shipping to people that previously purchased a big bore motor mount from an authorized BowHouse RC dealer (see details below).  If you have not yet ordered you motor mount, you do NOT need to order the hose clamps separately.


  • 1x worm-drive hose clamp, 5/16" band width, 1-15/16"-2-1/2" diameter


  • If you have already installed your SVT big bore motor mount, remove the mount from the chassis with motor attached.
  • Cut off the zip tie and discard.
  • Using a flat head screwdriver, unscrew the hose clamp all the way to release the strap from the screw cage.
  • Install the hose clamp around the mount and motor, aligning the strap in the slot under the cradle portion of the mount.  Do NOT place motor wires or anything else other than the motor mount between the hose clamp and the motor
  • Insert end of strap into screw cage and tighten the hose clamp until strap is no longer sticking out from bottom of cradle.  NOTE: It may be helpful to press the mount and motor down on a flat surface while tightening the hose clamp.
  • Reinstall mount and let 'er rip!
  • See product page for SVT Big Bore Motor Mount for additional installation notes:
    SVT Big Bore Motor Mount for Traxxas X-Maxx


If you purchased a motor mount from an authorized dealer that included the zip tie instead of the hose clamp, you can receive a refund of the shipping costs for your hose clamp by following these simple steps:

  1. Place your order for the hose clamp through our website
  2. Send an email to with your hose clamp order number, proof of purchase of your X-Maxx Motor Mount (copy of your receipt or invoice from an authorized dealer), and a picture showing your mount and the zip tie originally included with your mount
  3. Emails must be received within 3 business days of placing your hose clamp order to be eligible for shipping refund.

Upon receipt of the email with the requested information, we will refund the shipping cost of your hose clamp.

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