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BowHouse RC: N2R Steering Rack for Element Enduro IFS

BowHouse RC: N2R Steering Rack for Element Enduro IFS


Regular price $25.00 USD
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  • This does not work on IFS2 only original IFS

    Hats off to the folks at Associated and Element for bringing a durable, narrow-track independent front suspension (IFS) to the scale market.  The only problem is the wonky steering geometry with major bump steer.  But fear not...our all CNC-machined aluminum N2R Steering Rack for Element Enduro IFS fixes the problem by relocating and shortening the tie rods for proper geometry.  V2 now includes bump stops to prevent knuckles from binding into an oversteer position at full lock.

    Package includes:

    • 1x steering rack
    • 2x bump stops
    • 2x M3x12mm BHCS
    • 2x M4x20mm threaded rod
    • 2x pivot ball
    • 2x M3 nut

    Installation notes:

    • Start by removing front skid plate.  Save skid and all 4 screws for reinstallation later.
    • Unscrew stock steering rack from bellcranks.  Save the M3x14 BHCS screws and hat bushings for installation of N2R steering rack.
    • Snap the left and right tie rods (steering links) off of the ballstuds holding them to the stock steering rack.  You will not need to reuse the ballstuds on the steering rack.
    • Remove the tie rods from the knuckles by unscrewing the ballstud from each knuckle.  Save the M3 nylock nuts for later use.
    • Remove the ball studs from each bent rod end and reinstall in the opposite orientation with threaded portion of ball stud inside the "V" of the bent rod end.
    • Remove both rod ends from each tie rod metal link.  You will not need to reuse the original metal links.
    • Insert 1 M4x20mm threaded rod into each of the straight rod ends.
    • Screw one straight rod end directly into each bent rod end.  Leave 1-2mm gap between rod ends with hole on straight rod ends perpendicular to holes on bent rod ends.  You can adjust the toe-in/toe-out later by adjusting the spacing between rod ends.
    • Insert pivot balls into straight rod ends with flanged side of pivot ball facing forward.
    • Attach the straight rod end side of each tie rod to the steering rack using the included M3x12mm BHCS with the flanged side of the pivot ball facing the steering rack.  Be sure to use thread lock on these screws!
    • Attach steering rack to bell cranks using the stock M3x14 BHCS screws and hat bushings.  To help eliminate play in the steering due to movement between the hat bushings and pass-through screws, add a small dab of thread lock or glue (CA or E6000) to the threads closest to the screw head and washer before tightening steering rack screws all the way into bell cranks.  Do NOT overtighten screws when attaching the N2R steering rack to the bellcranks (overtightening can cause binding with the N2R rack).
    • Slide bump stops onto steering arms on knuckles and place M3 nuts into nut pockets in bump stops.
    • Attach bent rod ends to knuckles from underneath the knuckles by inserting the ball studs through the metal steering arms and pass-through holes in the bump stops.  Secure ball studs using included M3 nuts (NOT locknuts).  Thread lock is optional.
    • Reinstall skid plate.

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